Melton South Community Centre Inc.

Dyslexia Mode


Please read this section carefully, as enrolments are slightly different from one course to the next. The most important thing is that you need to contact the centre directly (by phone or in person) to confirm availability for your preferred course/s and to register your details - if this isn't done, you cannot be guaranteed that a place will be reserved for you in the course/s.

Once you have been in direct contact with the centre and registered your interest, you can download a PDF of our enrolment form, which you can fill out (using Adobe Acrobat, or you can print the form and fill it in by hand) and email to us, or you can bring it by the office. Please be sure to download and complete the form that applies to you.

Payment can be made with one of the following options:

A full refund of fees paid will be given if the course is cancelled by the centre, or if the centre is given notice by the student ONE WEEK before the course commences.

Refunds or make-up sessions will NOT be provided if students miss any of their classes.

*From time to time, centre staff take photos of courses and events for social media and print publication. If you're uncomfortable with this and prefer that you and/or your loved ones are not included in any publicly-distributed photos, please speak to office staff and let them know so you can be omitted from these images.