Melton South Community Centre Inc.

Dyslexia Mode

Autumn Vegie Gardening

Autumn is an exciting time to be out in the garden!

This workshop, taught by a qualified horticulturalist and designed for beginner gardeners, will give you an understanding of all the fundamentals, including planting, soil, sunlight and sustainable practices.

Attendees will receive a take-home starter pack.

For information on how to enrol in this class, head to our Enrolment page.

Starts:: Sat, 22 Mar, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am

Ends: Sat, 22 Mar, 2025

Sessions: 1


Concession Price:$40.00

Course Information


For information on how to enrol, including accessing our enrolment form, head to our Enrolment section within the Courses menu.